What You Need to Know
Nearly twenty years post-9/11, it comes as a great surprise to us to learn that the FBI is still conducting an "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the murder of our loved ones on 9/11.
State Secrets Privilege
Last week, Attorney General William Barr submitted a declaration in which he asserted the "State Secrets" privilege--on behalf of the United States Government--to oppose the disclosure of FBI information about the criminal acts of Saudi Arabia government officials inside the U.S. which led to the 9/11 attacks that killed our 3,000 loved ones.
The basis of the "State Secrets" privilege is that disclosure would harm national security of the United States and reveal sensitive sources and methods of law enforcement.
In addition, the FBI's Counterterrorism Chief, Michael McGarrity, submitted two Declarations to the Court: 1. a Public Declaration; and 2. a Secret Declaration that only the Court will see. (The law allows the government to present a secret declaration to the court with classified information.)
Law Enforcement Privilege
McGarrity's Public Declaration supports the Attorney General's Declaration, and also asserts that documents should not be produced because of the "law enforcement privilege" which means that there is an ongoing law enforcement investigation. (McGarrity's public declaration does not provide any further details regarding this investigation.)
Because of the FBI's current Counterterrorism investigation, the Department of Justice and the FBI have refused to share evidence that they have within their custody that we believe with great certainty would directly implicate the Saudis in their financial and logistical role in the 9/11 attacks.
It should be noted that the information and evidence sought by us is highly specific. The titles of the documents, the dates, the subject matter, and file numbers were given to the FBI. This was not a "fishing expedition."
Yet, unfortunately, because of the FBI's "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation," the FBI refuses to share this highly specific information with the victims of 9/11, so that we can hold the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia accountable for its role in the mass murder of our 3,000 loved ones.
The irony of our own Department of "Justice" and FBI knowingly and willingly obstructing our ability to seek justice for the cold-blooded murder of our loved ones is not lost on us.
Moreover, the fact that the United States government, itself, has utterly failed to carryout one single, open, successful indictment or prosecution of any 9/11 co-conspirator of the 9/11 attacks, further exacerbates our conundrum.
How is it possible that 3,000 dead bodies did not warrant one single indictment?
Questions Surrounding FBI "Ongoing Counterterrorism Investigation"
Learning about the FBI's "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" has raised questions for us that we would like Attorney General Barr and Counterterrorism Chief McGarrity to answer:
1. Why has it taken the FBI nearly 20 years to investigate the murder of our 3,000 loved ones?
2. Why have we, as victims, not been told or kept apprised of your mass murder terror investigation into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as is required by the Victims Rights and Restitution Act, 34 U.S.C. 20141?
3. Has the FBI referred any of its case files from its "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the KSA to any state or federal Grand Jury for prosecution?
4. Is the FBI's apparent failure to refer any part of their "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" to any state or federal Grand Jury for indictment or prosecution, a sign that your investigation is not proceeding successfully or efficiently? Could the FBI's investigation into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia be compromised?
5. How much has this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cost the American taxpayers?
6. Who at the FBI has been responsible for this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation"into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the past 18 years?
7. When was the last time Congress was briefed on this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into KSA?
8. When was the last time any Attorney General was briefed on this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into KSA?
9. When was the last time any President or any member of his National Security Council was briefed on this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the KSA?
10. Is there an estimate when this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the KSA will cease?
Meeting Request with Barr and McGarrity
We respectfully request an immediate meeting with both Attorney General Barr and Counterterrorism Chief McGarrity so we can be given an update on their investigation, because, by law, as victims of a crime(mass murder by terrorism), we have a right to be kept apprised of any investigation(particularly an FBI investigation) conducted into the murder of our 3,000 loved ones.
Congressional Hearings on FBI's Ongoing Counterterrorism Investigation
In addition, we request immediate hearings to be held by Congress on the status of the FBI's ongoing Counterterrorism investigation into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its role into the 9/11 attacks. We believe that the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees, and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees have oversight and could conduct these hearings.
A New Independent Commission
Also, we raise the possibility of the need for a new Independent Commission to properly and thoroughly investigate all of this new information that has been collected by the FBI in its ongoing Counterterrorism investigation into the murder of our loved ones.
The 9/11 Commission ended its tenure and issued its Final Report in 2004. Clearly, much new information surrounding the 9/11 attacks has come to light in the intervening 15 years. All of this information should be independently investigated and thoroughly capitalized upon so that the 9/11 families can receive some modicum of justice and accountability.
No Business Doing Business with KSA
But perhaps most pointedly, since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the target of an FBI "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" for the role it played in the 9/11 attacks, and this FBI Counterterrorism investigation has somehow put a grinding halt to our path to justice in the civil courts, we now solemnly ask for all other Saudi "ventures" (business or otherwise) to similarly come to a stark halt pending the outcome of the FBI's "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
For example, we would not want any U.S. banking or educational institution, any U.S. company, or Congressional committee to be conducting any sort of business whatsoever with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while they are the target of this "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" for the mass murder of 3,000 innocent people.
Frankly, how could any CEO or company, in good conscience with good corporate social responsibility and business practices in mind, conduct business with an entity like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who is currently under investigation by the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Department for the mass murder of 3,000 innocent people?
What if the FBI's "ongoing Counterterrorism investigation" yields results that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did, in fact, play a strong role in the mass murder of our 3,000 loved ones?
Wouldn't that require the Kingdom to be placed onto the State Sponsor of Terror List by the U.S. State Department?
And, isn't it a crime to conduct business with anyone on the State Sponsor list?

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